Makrampur Ghutiary Sharif Station Road, PO- Champahati, PS- Sonarpur
PIN – 700150 South 24 Pgs, West Bengal





  1. Genesis.

Inspired by the noble cause of education, the promoters of IMS B-School propose to set up a college with a mission to serve the industrial sector by providing quality technical and managerial manpower in order to serve the industrial growth in the state. This they hope to achieve with the assistance of the governments educational policy whereby self-financing technical/ management institutions can be setup by private bodies.

With this purpose in mind the promoters have registered a society called LAKE GARDENS SAHA EDUCATION SOCIETY, Lake Gardens, Kolkata, registered under Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961 NO. S/IL/16378 OF 2003-2004, established in 2003 to promote education, research and training.

  1. Location.


IMS Business School located at Makrampur. Railway Station Sonarpur approximately 15 kms away, transportation available from Sonarpur railways station via Bus (SD-3) or Auto or Toto. Nearest Land Mark is Green Land Housing Society. Address: Makrampur Ghutiary Sharif Station Road, PO- Champahati, PS- Sonarpur PIN – 700150 South 24 Pgs, West Bengal


  1. Approval and Affiliation.


The MBA Programme of the Institute is approved by the All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and affiliated to the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT).


  1. The Vision.


The aim of the institute is to embark in the educational field and become a paradigm of modern teaching methods. IMS Group is a world leader in the integration of

(a) Teaching and Learning

(b) Advancement of the knowledge base through research, and

(c) Leadership in service and outreach.

Further, IMSBS is a world leader in preparing professionals who provide leadership and exemplary educational and related services to improve the lives of individuals in a changing and complex global society.


  1. The Mission


  • Help to prepare educational professionals recognized for the quality and significance of their teaching, research, scholarship, service, outreach, and leadership.
  • Provide widely recognized leadership in the improvement of teaching, learning and the assessment of educational outcomes across the life span through research, and technology.
  • Enhance the commitment of faculty, staff and students to the centrality of diversity, social justice, and democratic citizenship.
  • Provide leadership in the development of collaborative, professional relationships with organizations, and other institutions focussed on the improvement of education.
  • Sustain a caring, supportive climate throughout the institution.
  • Enhance the effective and efficient management of the institution.


  1. The Objectives


(a) To inculcate state-of-the-art management concepts and its applications.

(b) To develop managerial acumen and personality.

(c) To synthesize management education with Information Technology.

(d) To prepare the students for Global Market.


  1. USP of IMS Business School


(a) AICTE Approved Institute.

(b) Admission through MAT/CAT/XAT/ATMA/JEMAT.

(c) Reputed faculty members from industries and best B-Schools.

(d) Eco-friendly campus with adequate and appropriate infrastructure.

(e) Placement in reputed companies.


  1. Intake.


The intake is 180 students in each batch for MBA programme.


  1. Admission Process


The admission process is:

(a) Admission Test – MAT/CAT/XAT/ATMA/JEMAT.

(b) Group Discussion / Personal Interview (GD/ PI) at IMS Business School.

(c) Final merit list is prepared based on the candidates‟ performance in Admission Test and GD/PI.


  1. Programme.


IMS Business School offers two-year full time MBA programme. The programme emphasizes on an integrated understanding of theory and practice. Summer Internship is mandatory and an integral part of the MBA curriculum. Every student has to undergo eight-twelve weeks summer internship during June-July after completion of first two semesters. Special emphasis is given to develop personality traits, communication skills, all-round awareness and practical knowledge of managing resources. Continuous interactions with industry captains are maintained through colloquia, seminars and discussions.


  1. Specialization. The following specializations are offered:


(a) Marketing Management

(b) Financial Management

(c) Human Resource Management

(d) Operations Management

(e) Business Analytics

(f) Health Care Management

(g) MIS


  1. Governance :


Members of Institute Governing Body                  : Available


Members of Academic Advisory Body                 : Available


Frequency of the Board Meetings                        : Two/four times in a  year


Organizational Chart                                               : Available


Student Feed Back on Institutional Governance : Available


Online Grievance Redressal Mechanism (Student/ Staff)  : Available


Establishment of Anti-Ragging Committee                        : Available


Establishment of Grievance Redressal Committee            : Available


Establishment of Internal Complaint Committee               : Available


Establishment of Committee for SC/ST                               : Available


Internal Quality Assurance Cell                                       : Available


  1. Contact details


IMS Business School

Makrampur Ghutiary Sharif Station Road,

PO- Champahati, PS- Sonarpur

PIN – 700150 South 24 Pgs, West Bengal



Management Campus

Roypur Ghutiary Sharif Station  Road,
P.O: Champahati,P.S.-Sonarpur
South 24 Pgs, Kolkata – 700150

Main Campus

Eastern Metropolitan Byepass
93,Mukundapur Main Road

IMSBS Social links
Contact Us
Management Campus

Roypur Ghutiary Sharif Station Road, P.O: Champahati,

P.S.-Sonarpur South 24 Pgs,

Kolkata – 700 150, West Bengal

Main Campus

Eastern Metropolitan Byepass
93,Mukundapur Main Road

IMSBS Social links

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